Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cosmic Love

It’s starting to feel like I can’t escape technology. Well, I guess my previous post about 'survival' does support this point. The whole 'survival kit' is based on the use of technology. I guess I don’t have too many options here do I? 

It's almost 3am and I’m in front of my laptop on my day off (half of which I spent, yes again, in front of my laptop). My laptop and I have become developed a strong bond. It knows almost everything I’m going through. Somehow it hasn’t given up on me. 

True Companion
The things, the technologies, that have given up on me, at this moment, are my phone and my internet connection. Actually I wouldn’t blame my phone. So let’s just say the damn internet as well as my phone service providers are messing with my life. 

I realise that I’ve become highly dependent on these two things. Internet - so I can catch up on the world around me. Talk to my friend in London and ‘Hi SAM’. I spend my night talking to the two Sams in my life. Every day is a whole new day with new things to talk about. The conversations we have are no less than EPIC! And then I also get to chat with some friends on Facebook. Some posting photos of school batchmates who are engaged and on their way to spending the rest of their lives with that special someone. 

The things life has to offer. And the choices you make, quite amazing. I wouldn’t judge but just sometimes, sometimes, you can’t help but think. Hmmm. Things. Let’s just keep it at that. 

So going back to technology and how I live in its kingdom - it rules my world at the moment. FULL STOP. I can’t seem to be occupied by anything else. I wake up to my alarm, from my phone. I feel like listening to music - switch on my laptop. Oh! I guess I’ll just check my mail - internet. Tap tap type. Reply to a few mails/messages. Ahh! The phone’s ringing. Oh hello :) …love you!
Moving on, I get ready for work. Music still playing through this whole process. I get to work, switch on my PC. Log on to my work email, check feedback from my editor. Hmmm. No copies? Hello StumbleUpon. This is an interesting link. Copy paste. 'Sam you've got to read this, its hilarious/really cute/we should make this'. The whole day, till late night at work, seems to be a loop of all these things with a major workload at the second half. It’s 1.30am. Done. Pack up. 
Back home. Switch on my laptop – because umm...I feel like listening to music. Ed Sheeran, Florence + the machine, Foster the People – all my latest downloads. Maybe I’ll stream an episode of House or Supernatural. Ohhh Look! Sam is online. 
I think I just reached a full circle. SO you get the point. HIGHLY DEPENDENT. Its not that I don’t like it. I would never say that. But yes, I’ve come to terms with the dependency. And the realisation that it’s a part of my life. Really can’t do without it, can I? I wouldn’t be writing this post if it weren’t for my dependency on my trusty lappy. But BUT for those who are judging this dependency and extremely skeptical about what they’ve read. Uhh...I’m not a 'bad'(?) person. The listening to music part is spent expanding an artwork. A very intricate artwork I must add. Will post it in a month. I repeat 'intricate'. Hehe. And of course, the other part of this awesome realisation, I get to write about it!
Note: The post’s name is inspired by my current favourite feel-good-song by Florence + the Machine. Love it!

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